Our Projects
Cragg Burial Ground
Project: Cragg Burial Ground
Client: Tipperary County Council
Location: Ballinyard, Newport, Co Tipperary
Brief Overview:
The work comprised of the reconstruction of boundary stone walls and associated siteworks. The associated sitework included drainage, fencing, railings and all reinstatements.
Key Elements:
- All excavation work was undertaken under the supervision and monitoring by the appointed project archaeologist.
- The burial ground was elevated by approximately 2m along its Southern boundary and portion of the retaining stone wall had collapsed into the adjacent small stream.
- Part replacement and part reinforcing of the existing stone wall
- The works undertaken included the reconstruction of the Southern wall, and also the portion of wall which returns Northwards at the South Eastern corner of the burial ground
- The collapsed 12m length of wall was removed and sand bagging contained and protected the burial ground.
- Galvanised guard railing 1100mm high were installed
- Protection of the protected burial ground in the course of the works, the adjacent stream also need protection during the construction